Newsroom at Emerald Gardens in Woodburn, Oregon

Emerald Gardens Newsroom

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Weekly Covid-19 Update


We are committed to continual communication regarding the status of our communities and Covid-19. We have been making regular updates on our Facebook page regarding Covid-19. We have now started adding these updates to our updated website in our newsroom. Our emergency response banner listed at the top of our website is up to date with our company-wide efforts regarding Covid-19 and infection control and prevention.

Since our last update we have received positive test results for two employees and one resident. We informed primary contacts of these updates. The resident's primary contacts were also notified of their loved one's positive test result.  All residents are currently being cared for under isolation precautions.

Testing for all residents and staff will continue on a weekly basis, until two weeks of fully negative tests are received. We received back negative test results for all residents other than our one resident who previously tested positive. Some employee tests are still pending. We will continue to update on our status of positive tests on a weekly basis. We will continue with routine monitoring of all residents and notify you directly if your family member exhibits symptoms or receives positive test results. 

Resident safety is our top priority, including staying in very close communication with the local health authority and state licensing officials.  Please know that we have been and are continuing to strictly adhere to all infection control protocols and mandated guidelines.  We  will continue to take every precaution to prevent the spread of infection.  
Outdoor and open window visits have been discontinued until further notice.  We apologize for the inconvenience.   We will continue to offer closed window visits and virtual visits.  

Please contact Maria Sanchez, Life Enrichment Director at or  503-982-4000, if you would like assistance with scheduling a virtual visit.
Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

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